Thursday, September 11, 2008

9/11, Let Us Never Forget

God bless America. God bless it.

The day that would turn the world on the offensive against extreme Islam terrorist, personally my favorite day. Also, my birthday.

I have never, in my years of debating, ran across one good argument on why "Iraq is such a horrible decision, yada yada". Here, I'll go over my check list:

Iraq - holding WMDS, check. Saddam was the WMD. Saddam = mass graves, genocide, chemical torture, dictator, etc.

Iraq - Housing Al-Qaeda. Check. Saddam was directly linked to Al-Qaeda and providing friendly territory for them to bred. There's evidence. Go look it up.

Iraq - Liberating a enslaved peoples. Check. Of course, America can't do this for every nation in the world, but one less radical dictator enslaving people in the 21'st century is one less. There's no record of two democracies every declaring war upon another.

Iraq - pursuing and defending America from aboard. Check. Al-Qaeda is in complete shabbles, they are having to recruit mentally ill patients because they are getting stacked up like wood in dead heaps of bodies. Iraq is completely stable, having a booming economy and holding democractic elections.

Mission Accomplished? Not yet, but damn close.

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